Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Business - to – Customer (B2C)

Website following B2C business model sells its product directly to a customer. A customer can view products shown on the website of business organization. The customer can choose a product and order the same. Website will send a notification to the business organization via email and organization will dispatch the product/goods to the customer. B2C enterprises include and Most B2C models generate revenue from direct sales and processing fees. B2C also is known as electronic retail or e-tail and may include purchases such as airline tickets, entertainment venue tickets, hotel rooms, and shares of stock.
Some B2C e-businesses provide high-value content to consumers for a subscription fee, for example, Wall Street Journal (financial news and articles), Consumer Reports (product reviews and evaluations), and (nutritional counseling).
Some of the major advantages of B2C are;
i. inexpensive costs, big opportunities
ii. Globalization
iii. Reduced operational Costs
iv.  Customer convenience
v. Knowledge management
vi. Disintermediation

vi. Disintermediation
In traditional commerce, there are intermediating agents like wholesalers, distributors, retailers between manufacturer and consumer. In B2C website, manufacturer can sell products directly to consumers. This process of removal of business layers responsible for intermediary functions is called Disintermediation.

How B2C Works
      Visiting the virtual mall
      Customer registers
      Customer buys products
      Merchant processes the order
      Credit card is processed
      Operations management
      Shipment and delivery
      Customer receives
      After-sales service



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