Friday, June 10, 2016

Alderfer’s ERG Theory of Motivation

The ERG theory was forwarded by Clayton Alderfer in 1969 and this theory is similar to Maslow’s Theory of hierarchy of needs. The ERG theory forwards the motivation needs as per the three categories:
-          Existence Needs (similar to Maslow’s Physiological and Safety Needs)
-          Relatedness Needs (similar to Maslow’s social needs)
-          Growth Needs (similar to Maslow’s esteem and self-actualization needs)

Alderfer suggests that a person may be motivated by needs on several levels at the same time. For example a person may go to work to make a living (existence need satisfaction) and at the same time he/she may be motivated by good relations with his/her coworkers (relatedness need satisfaction). Alderfer also suggest that when people experience frustration on one level, they may focus on the needs at the lower level need category.



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