Friday, June 10, 2016

Leadership Styles

Leadership Styles
Leadership style deals with the way leaders influence the followers. It can be boss centered, subordinate centered or relations centered. The leadership styles affects job performance. Some of the leadership styles are:
1. Autocratic Leadership
2. Democratic Leadership
3. Free Rein Leadership
1. Autocratic Leadership
Under the autocratic leadership, power and decision making are totally under the control of the leader. Some of the features of autocratic leadership are:
-          Leaders make all the decisions, they order what to do and how to do and who to do it. Subordinates are not consulted
-          Leaders have position based authority. They demand total obedience from the subordinates.
-          Leaders may give reward and punishment as they like. Information is controlled by the leader
Advantages of Autocratic Leadership
-          Effective in crisis and emergency situations.
-          Chain of command is clear
-          Discipline is maintained in the organization
Disadvantages of Autocratic Leadership
-          Subordinate participation is ignored.
-          Motivation to employees is absent as subordinates work by fear of punishment
-          It does not consider situational needs

2. Democratic Leadership
Also known as participative leadership, democratic leadership has power and decision making decentralized, where discussion, consultation and participation among subordinate is encouraged. Some of the features of democratic leadership are
-          Leaders consult with their subordinates for decisions. Subordinates willingly cooperate with the leader.
-          Authority is delegated to the subordinates and influence flows both ways from leader to follower and follower to leader
-          Performance is based on reward and punishment
-          Information is shared between leader and subordinates

Advantages of democratic leadership
-          Subordinates are involved in decision making and it promotes participation
-          Effective style of leadership for an organization where team work is necessary
-          Results high morale and productivity. People feel committed to goals
-          Motivates subordinates and provides opportunities for development and growth
-          Creativity is encouraged
Disadvantages of democratic leadership
-          It is time consuming, and can result in indiscipline
-          Leaders may avoid responsibilities
3. Free Rein Leadership
Also known as Laissez-Faire Style, free rein leadership is the style where power and decision making is entrusted to the subordinates. In this style, leaders use very little power and control. They serve only as an information center. Subordinates have complete freedom to make decisions with decentralized authority and responsibilities. They have high degree of independence in decision making and influence flows in all directions. Subordinates set their own goals and their potential is fully utilized.
Advantages of Free Rein Leadership
-          Subordinates have freedom and autonomy to work. They set their own goals
-          Effective for research oriented and creative jobs
-          Employee morale is high
Disadvantages of Free Rein Leadership
-          Subordinates lack focus towards goal achievement
-          Productivity may be less and responsibility may be avoided

-          Coordination may be poor among the subordinates



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